Precision Therapy Clinic
Our treatments create as much ‘homeostasis’ or correct balance in your body allowing you to heal, resulting in as quick a return to function as possible. We then educate our clients on the cause of their injury and if possible to encourage self-management and rehabilitation. Our main aim is to provide individualised, patient centered therapy followed by long term advice and exercise to ensure the issue stays resolved.

My Story
“Throughout my career I have already suffered a varying severity of injuries which has given me a taste of what my patient may be suffering from. I have suffered multiple knee issues on both knees resulting in keyhole surgery to repair cartilage and a full ACL (Cruciate) reconstruction. I have also had surgery on both my hips as a result of hip impingement and labarum tear which is an injury rampant through the GAA. I have suffered many less severe injuries including A/C joint separation, broken bones, shin splints, concussions etc.
The moral of this rant being…